Secure Your Business At The Front Door
How much would you be willing to invest in the security of your most treasured possession? Your business is your life; your company represents years of hard work, so you should know if there are people in your establishment who threaten your business’s success. Your customers also want a fast, smooth, and easy experience getting through the door. An ID scanner addresses these challenges and provides priceless security, which is so essential to your business’s success.

How To Choose The Best ID Verification Scanners
Granted, for the most part, people are honest, but a large segment of the population still uses fake IDs to commit crimes, access clubs and bars, buy alcohol, travel in and out of the country, etc. There are dozens of ID verification scanners on the market for businesses that need ID verification, but they all have different functionalities and costs. Randomly selecting the first ID scanner on Amazon is not the correct way to choose these devices because it may not suit your business. Factors that you need to consider before purchasing ID verification scanners include the following:
CAV2000 ID Scanner, drivers license reader for Age verification and ID checking, portable, stand alone, magnetic stripe reader, by Cardcom$325.00
IDetect ID Scanner – Age Verification ID Scanner for Bars and Clubs – Drivers License Reader and ID Card Scanner for Computers, Tablets, & POS – Stops Unwanted IDs (No Photo)$599.90
IDWare 9000 Handheld ID Scanner – ID, Drivers’ License, Age Verification & Passport Scanner with Veriscan Premium Software – Sync Multiple Devices$1,109.00
ID Verification Scanners – Type Of Business
Cross-checking ID is often required for government agencies and financial institutions. If you just run a corner store and only want a system that checks the age of people buying tobacco or alcohol, then a photo ID verification reports age is acceptable. Similarly, a biometric fingerprint verification system is required if you run an office and want to know which employees appear for work. However, financial institutions, the government, and others may require more complex multiple ID verification systems.
Is The ID Verification System Portable?
If you have a business with multiple entry points, you preferably want a portable device. Plus, if you work outdoors, you’ll want your scanner to operate on batteries without a power supply.
IDWare’s Android-based Age Verification Passport ID Scanner is at the top of the line in the I.D. verification market. Very durable and easy to use with its Gloved Multi-Touch system. Perfect for bars, casinos, nightclubs, or any other business that requires checking a customer’s age. It reads I.D.s, including passports from all 50 U.S. States, Canada, and most Military I.D.s. It also features a 3200 mAh Li-Ion battery pack of 3.8V, which lasts 12 hours before it requires a recharge.
- Can scan all I.D.s in North America
- Very fast and accurate
- Verifies age automatically using 2D barcode scanning.
- HAs MultiAlert Scan to detect pass back I.D.
- No internet connect necessary.
- It comes with a bundle that includes a three-year subscription, an iPod touchpad, and captuvo
- Requires a lithium battery
- Weighs 499 g
- Tracks visitors
- Enforces protocols and creates a record of all visitors
- Can catch fake I.D.s
- It comes with VeriScan Plus software that is compatible with Windows and desktops.
- You can use it in schools, businesses, offices, etc.
So far, not many reviews are available, but the device is somewhat expensive. One review said it was an excellent device for the education system. The IDWare Guest scanner can scan all types of I.D.s, including Canadian and Military I.D.s.It is also one of the fastest I.D. scanners. Another feature is that it can verify age using 2D barcode scanning technology. The device works without an internet connection; hence, you can use it in many places like hotels, clubs, bars, schools, and government offices. It is powered by electricity but can also operate on a battery.
ID Verification Scanners – User Experience.
If you use a system like facial recognition, many customers or clients may not be happy. No one wants their facial ID stored away on some database, and you may lose business. So you’ll need to select an ID verification system that is not cumbersome to the user. It has to be quick, reliable, and accurate.
Is Your ID Verification Device Fast?
Most people prefer a faster system, so you can avoid keeping your customers waiting; otherwise, they may leave.
ID Verification Scanners – Do I Have Consent?
Before conducting ID verification, sometimes the consent of the user is necessary. But you do not want to deal with paperwork. Today, ID verification systems also come with digital signature capture capability.
It is effortless to set up and use the Idetect Scanner. This scanner reads the card information database, which means it can identify if the I.D. is tampered with or fake. It will also detect an expired or banned I.D. The Idetect will detect abnormalities with I.D.s from all 50 states. The Idetect scanner arrives complete with updated Smarte ID Scanning Software. Sometimes, the software is a separate cost with cheaper scanners, but not with the Idetect. Though the cost can be substantial, this unit will do the job well for those seeking optimum security.
- USB connectivity
- Weighs 0.46 pounds
- Can read any govt I.D. with the magnetic stripe reader
- Can also read 2D barcodes
- Ideal for law enforcement
- It has a bottom-mounted interface connector.
- You can transfer data via USB
- Battery not required
- Fast and sleek
There are not many reviews on this product. One user says it is excellent. Weighing only 0.46 pounds is light, and durability can be an issue. However, the manufacturer claims it can read any government-issued I.D. with magnetic stripe information and 2D barcodes. It connects via USB and can be used in various settings. The one downside is that the software is not included and is purchased separately.
Do ID Verification Scanners Offer International Coverage?
If you have a business that caters to tourists and travelers, you’ll also need an ID verification system to recognize foreign currency and picture IDs. The system will be useless if it only recognizes locals.
ID Verification Scanners – Real-Time Verification
You also want an ID system that offers real-time verification. If the ID verification system is delayed, your business may suffer as the customer is unlikely to wait for the results to return in 2-5 days.
The IDVisor is a phenomenal product. The IDVisor Smart Plus is ready to use right out of the box. The Barcode can recommend this product to any busy bar or restaurant in any tourist town or college town. It reads passports, regular IDs, and military IDs from all 50 states and Canadian provinces. The IDVisor Smart Plus has a fast operation – at about 1 second per swipe and utilizing its on-screen visit count shows your new and repeat customers. Another added feature includes letting you know if it’s someone’s birthday. Unfortunately, the reports are uncertain whether this device can detect fake IDs. Still, its fast and accurate I.D scanning and convenient-to-use package will help you speed up lines and eliminate potential human error.
- Can read passports from both the U.S. and Canada, including military I.D.s
- Very fast
- Calculates age automatically
- Vibration and human voice alerts
- VIP/Banned software-will tag clients with issues
- Anti-passback software detects IDs
- The package includes a scanner, charging cradle, and battery.
- A lifetime subscription to the application
- Large screen
- Rugged and durable
- It has an 8MP camera.
- You can also scan passports
- Can store 75,000 scans
- No contracts, no hidden fees
- Free software upgrades
- 12-month warranty
- It does not connect to government databank
The IDVisor Smart has a rating of 4.2 / 5. While very good at detecting passports, it does not always catch fake I.D.s. High speed and good accuracy. Useful for businesses like bars and clubs. It calculates age automatically and has a human voice and vibration warnings when a fake I.D. is detected. You can customize it for businesses that deal with Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, and Cannabis. VIP software will reveal expiration dates, whether the client owes money, started a fight, etc. It also features GPS and Google maps. Overall not a bad device.
ID Verification Scanners – Is It Legal?
If you buy an ID verification system, you’ll first want to ensure it follows the current security standards and regulations. Plus, all the data you collect should not fall into the wrong hands. You’ll need to have a solid security system to safeguard all the information you collect, or you could face big-time legal problems.
ID Verification Scanners – Upgrades
Since the world of digital technology is constantly evolving, you also want to buy an ID verification system that you can upgrade in the future.
Can The ID Verification Scanner System Store Data?
You preferably want a system that can store all the data you collect.