Love The Outdoors
Having a pool is fun and adds value to your home. It also needs regular maintenance, pool cleaning, chemicals, and vacuuming. There are over 5 million inground swimming pools in the US, most located on the West Coast and Southern parts of the country, which are warmer all year round. The two states with the most residential pools are Florida and California. Since most homeowners are too busy or do not have the supplies/equipment to maintain their pools, professionals offer vacuuming, pool maintenance, and cleaning.

What Is A Certified Pool Operator?
Today many states require a pool cleaning service to employ an individual with a Certified Pool and Spa Operator Certificate (CPO). This certification program offers education on keeping pools safe and clean and is a complete pool cleaning how-to. The CPO allows you to manage various systems, including chemical treatment and filtration of aquatic facilities. Renew your certificate every five years or check with your local city inspectors for requirements.

Becoming A CPO Certified Pool Operator – Pool Maintenance For Beginners
Before starting a pool cleaning business, you’ll want to know about swimming pools, their construction, and how they function. You will need to understand how filters work, the problems and remedies, and how the pool pump works. If you are offering maintenance, you must know how to diagnose common issues. You will most likely need a CPO pool certificate to perform maintenance.
Do I Need A CPO License
Many states do not require a specific license to operate a pool cleaner service, but many have other requirements. They want to ensure the safety of customers and the public from the chemicals you’ll use daily. You will need to have several years of experience in some states before you are allowed to open a pool cleaning business. Further, many states require a Certified Pool and Spa Operator Certificate.
Here is a list of pool services training course websites
- Pool Training Academy
- Best Aquatic
- Premier Pool Management
- HD Supply
- Pool Operator Management
- Aquatic Training Institute
- CPO Training
- Pool & Hot Tub Alliance
- Pool Certs
Pool cleaning is not a job you want to rush into. Some pools will have wear and tear and construction defects, and you should know when you need extra help to avoid getting the blame when things go wrong. If you clean the pool week after week and notice too late that the pool has a significant crack or leak, rest assured that you will probably lose that contract. And these days, a few negative reviews online could lead to the loss of many potential clients. So when you service a pool, look for things that do not look right and if you find anything suspicious, let the owner know that perhaps a contractor should pay a visit.
Today, multiple pool services techs operate in each city and every state, so the competition for clients is intense. Pool builders and manufacturers also face fierce competition. So before you open a pool services business, you’ll need to know more than just how to make a pool look amazing. There is a business side to the pool business, which, if not appropriately managed, can lead to a quick demise.
Pool Maintenance Services
- Learn about the equipment required to have a healthy pool
- Speak to other experts about the pool services business
- Become familiar with pool cleaning chemicals
- Know which tools are necessary to clean the pool
- Develop a business etiquette and obtain the relevant permits
- Create a website
- Watch videos on the pool cleaning business

Start A Pool Cleaning Business – What Is An Instant Route?
Today, much of the pool business is controlled by pool brokers. For example, a private residential area may have 200 homes, each with a pool, but the HOA or the pool broker will demand a fee for pool services. Or there may be areas with many swimming pools, but a broker may control access to these homes. These instant routes sell to pool cleaning services.
The general cost for an instant route is about 10-12 times the monthly service rates on each route. For example, if a route generates $3,000 monthly, expect to pay $30,000 minimum to access this route. An instant route may not be feasible if you operate a solo pool cleaning service because of a lack of investment. Another major negative about buying an instant route is that the homeowner along that route may not want to do business with you or, after a few months, may drop you. Unfortunately, this happens all the time.
Pool Service Company Operating Location
If you are starting out, you might want to run your office from home. In that case, you’ll need space to store your chemicals and pool cleaning supplies. Most new startups use a van or garage for storing supplies, but there will always be a risk of theft or vandalism. If the business grows, you will need to rent space.
Create A Services Contract
It is essential to have a contract before undertaking any pool cleaning job. The contract should specify the services you provide, the types of chemicals you will use, the potential problems and complications, your fee, and the duration of the project. You’ll want to make sure a lawyer looks at the contract template to make it legit. Always have it signed by the homeowner and keep a copy.
Try out some of these “free” contract template websites
Pool Cleaning Business Plan
A good business plan is necessary if you want to build a successful company in the pool services business. This plan will help you anticipate any problems and how you might overcome them. The plan should contain the following:
- What will I name my pool cleaning business?
- Where will I operate?
- How many people will I employ?
- What licenses and permits do I need?
- Who is my competition?
- What supplies and tools will I need?
- What is the startup cost for a pool cleaning business?
- Will I need insurance?
- What will I charge for my services?
- How much money will I make?
- How can I increase the profits of my business?
Some business plan templates that you should consider include:
If you have not made a business plan before, here are some websites that can help.
- BizPlanBuilder: The most user-friendly
- Business Plan Quick Builder (has many accessories)
- Business Sorter: Best for internal plans
- Entrepreneur Business Ideas – Tools & Tutorials (comprehensive)
- Most extra features
- LivePlan: Best overall
- Wise Business Plans: Best professional service
Pool Services Company Legal Entity
Before you begin, you should create a legal entity to protect your personal assets and organize the structure of your new company. The legal entity can be a sole proprietorship, limited liability company, or corporation. The cost of building a legal entity varies from $400 to $2,000 to begin, and you’ll need to renew each year.
Check out these few companies that can assist you in getting your LLC started.
IRS Website
This site by the IRS is a must-see when beginning your LLC
Here are a few government links you might want to visit

Pool Maintenance Services Business Matters
- It would help if you visited your local Chamber of Commerce to determine what permits and licenses you need to operate a pool cleaning business.
- Some states do require special permits to handle cleaning chemicals.
- You will need to visit your local health department to determine what permits you will need
- Further, public pools usually have additional licensing requirements.
- You will also need to register your business.
- Obtain EIN
- Register for state and federal taxes
- Open a dedicated bank account.
- Obtain a certificate of product safety. There is a requirement for a product safety certificate in many states because some chemicals may react adversely with water and cause harm to people.
- Obtain a manufacturer’s material safety sheet on every chemical you use and provide this to the pool owners. This sheet will cover storage, use, potential hazards, and emergency management in case of an adverse reaction.

Do I Need Insurance For A Pool Cleaning Business?
Yes, insurance is vital. While there are many types of insurance, liability is a must to protect you and your business in case of injury, damage, or theft. Pool cleaning can be subject to litigation, including toxic chemical exposure, leaving the gate open, and accidentally letting the dogs out.
Here is a list of some standard insurance companies
- Biberk
- Three Insurance
- Next Insurance
- Thimble
- Geico
- Insureon
- Mercury Insurance
- Allstate
- Chubb
- Farmers Insurance
- Huckleberry
- State Farm
- Hiscox
- Nationwide
- The Hartford
- Travelers-Business Insurance
- Liberty Mutual
- Progressive Commercial
Best Places To Get Small Business Insurance

How Much Should I Charge For My Pool Cleaning Services?
First, you should know what others charge and have competitive prices. In general, pool cleaners charge anywhere from $40-$75 an hour. For maintenance and repair, the fee can be anywhere from $150-$200 an hour.
Pool Cleaning Business Profit Projections
The key to making a profit in the pool business is to have many regular clients. Unfortunately, competition for clients is stiff. However, the overhead to run a pool cleaning business is very low, and your margin will be higher than some businesses. Your net profits may vary from $25K to $75K a year. But, if you provide pool cleaning services in the northern part of the country, you’ll need to understand that the work is seasonal, and profits during the winter months may be affected. During winter and autumn, people won’t be looking for pool cleaning services as much.

How Many Pools Can I Clean In A Day?
The number of jobs you can take daily is not easy because it will depend on your client’s pool sizes, location, and amount of cleaning required. Sometimes, one may only provide full-service cleaning to 5-10 pools a day working alone.
How Do I Increase Profits For My Swimming Pool Company?
- Always be on the lookout for more work.
- Provide education seminars, vlogs, or blogs for consumers
- Expand services by selling pool cleaning chemicals and supplies
- Continue to market your business
- Sell poolside accessories like lounge chairs, children’s pool toys, umbrellas, etc.
- Always offer an excellent service
- Make yourself available 24/7
- Have affordable prices
Pool Maintenance Cost For My Business
Unlike many other businesses, startup costs for a pool cleaning business are minimal. Some initial costs include the following:
- Use of a Van or Truck $5K-$30K
- Cleaning Supplies $300-$500
- Insurance $400-$1,000
- Registration $200-$300
- Creation of a legal entity $300-$800
- Marketing $ 0-$200
If you already own your van, the pool cleaning business should not cost more than $2,000.
Robotic Pool Cleaners
Manually cleaning your pool is time-consuming Today, there are robotic pool cleaners available that pool cleaning services also use. The cost of these robotic cleaners varies from $500-$2,500. These devices effectively clean small and large debris and polish the bottom and sidewalls. They are ideal for large pools and can save money and time. You might want to consider marketing some of the better-designed products to your clients.
Pool Cleaner Staff Service Contracts
While initially, you may be operating alone, you may need to hire employees as the business grows. Considerations for employment should include the following:
- Friendly attitude
- Outgoing
- Willing to listen and learn
To demonstrate your business’s professionalism, make sure all employees wear a standard uniform that is clean and ironed. You may also need to provide training so the employees meet your customer care standards.
Pool Service Marketing
- Create a Website- detail your services, prices, and contact information
- Distribute your business card to hardware stores, hotels, schools, recreational facilities, apartments, and condos
- Distribute a flyer regularly in an area with pools
- Mail brochures to people with pools
- Offer promotions
- Offer competitive prices
- Join a pool association
- Create a logo for your business
What Is Involved In A Pool Cleaning Business?
- First, clean the surrounding area of all debris, leaves, dust
- Next, check the equipment for functionality
- Empty the skimmer baskets
- Remove all large debris with a rake
- Steps and walls, remove stains, oil marks, and dirt
- Use the pool cleaner
- Ensure that the pool filter is clean
- Finally, check the pH of the water
How Often Should I Be Vacuuming Pool
If you want to sustain a swimming pool’s aesthetics and safety, it must be cleaned and maintained every 1-4 weeks, depending on usage. Neglecting the pool can lead to skin infections and accidents. If a swimming pool is used frequently, it will need cleaning once a week.

Who Are My Customers?
To get to know your customer base, you’ll need to identify homes, recreational facilities, condos, and apartments with a pool. Search Google Maps, and you will get an idea of who has a pool and its location. Another place to find homes with a pool is to visit the local county office, maintaining stats on such matters. Once you know the location of pool owners, you can institute your marketing strategies.

How To Get Repeat Customers
- Always be on time
- Communicate with the customer
- Always take time to educate the customer on what you are doing
- Do the best job every time
What Are The Benefits Of A Swimming Pool Company?
- Independence
- Not a 9- to 5 job
- Meet new people constantly
- Rewarding outdoors work
- Maintain fitness
- Make a decent living
- Very low overhead
- Low Startup costs
What Are The Pitfalls Of Starting A Pool Cleaning Business?
- Work with potent chemicals that may affect health
- Work is often seasonal, depending on the weather
- Competition is intense
- Need to be trained and licensed in some States to use the chemicals
What Equipment Do I Need For A Pool Cleaning Business Or Above Ground Pool Cleaning Service
- Van to transport equipment and supplies (Sometimes a trailer is required if you service multiple pools every day)
- Algae Brush
- Algaecide
- Automatic Cleaner Filters or Bags
You’ll need a van or a truck. Here is a list of popular auto trader websites
- Commercial Truck Trader
- Used Work Truck For Sale
- Carmax
- Shift
- Car Gurus
- Auto Trader
- True Car
- Car Fax
- Enterprise
- Edmunds
- Chemical supplies
- Drain plugs
- Filter clamps
- Filter Cleaner
- Garden Hose
- Ladder
- Leaf Blower
- Leaf rakes
- Pool Chlorinators
- Pool Pole
- Robotic pool Cleaner
- Safety Equipment: First aid kit, life ring, and other safety supplies
- Sanitizer
- Skimmers and brushes
- Stain Removal
- Teflon Lube for O-rings
- Telescoping Pole
- Toolbelt with hand supplies like screw drive, plier, hammer, etc
- Vacuum Head & Hose
- Water testing kits